Title: Does topical minoxidil increase skin blood flow? A laser Doppler flowmetry study.

Title Abreviation: Acta Derm Venereol Date of Pub: 1988

Author: de Boer EM; Bezemer PD; Bruynzeel DP; Nieboer C;

Issue/Part/Supplement: 3 Volume Pagination: 271-4 Issue: 68 MESH Headings: Administration, Cutaneous; Adult; Alopecia (*DT); Female; Human; Lasers (DU); Male; Middle Age; Minoxidil (*TU); Regional Blood Flow (DE); Rheology; Skin (*BS); Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t; -RN-; Journal Title Code: 0MQ

Publication Type: CLINICAL TRIAL

Date of Entry: 880808N Entry Month: 8810

Country: SWEDEN Index Priority: 2

Language: Eng Unique Identifier: 88266512

Unique Identifier: 88266512 ISSN: 0001-5555

Abstract: Cutaneous blood flow was measured by Laser Doppler Flowmetry after topical application of minoxidil lotion, in 9 healthy males with androgenetic alopecia, and other volunteers. No reaction in the cutaneous blood flow was seen after application of 2%, 5%, or placebo minoxidil lotion.

Abstract By: Author

Address: Department of Dermatology, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Last Revision Date: 910322

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